13 June 2023

Many of my friends were really surprised to learn that physical issues could benefit from hypnotherapy.
In the 21st century, science has shown that emotions affect our physical body tremendously. I’m not even going so deep about how our thoughts and emotions influence our actions thus altering outcomes. I’m simply talking about how A (an emotion) leads to B (a physical issue). For example, do any of these sound familiar…
· “I’m so stressed out that my migraine is getting worse”;
· “He got so angry that I’m worried he’s going to have a heart attack”; and
· “She’s so sad, we can see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.”
When a person is feeling sad or fosters unhelpful sentiments, eventually negative energy is stored in the physical body and becomes an ailment or major illness. Scientific research even suggests that chronic stress promotes cancer development. Our mind keeps giving us signals but we’re not aware, to a point our body is telling us “Hey!”
Even though we know about this mind and body relationship, why do we often turn a blind eye to what truly happens and just focus on the surface level? Because it’s much easier to simply take a pill hoping everything would be fixed. In fact, in addition we should look inwardly beneath the surface which could lead to changes.
With my client’s permission, I share with you a current case of a physical issue. My client experienced a voice issue after a Covid-19 vaccine but felt they were unrelated incidents. After one session, my client learned that a relationship-conflict had manifested into a physical ailment, and while in the hypnotic trance the voice issue was resolved. Now with clarity of the mind, my client is on the road to recovery, both physically and emotionally.
“You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favourable climate in which to learn.”