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My "BMW"

17 October 2023

“The mind in its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.”

People who know me personally know that I’m a big animal lover. Some 20 years ago, I had 3 dogs named Baileys, Martini and Whisky - together I called them my “BMW”! It was a time that I had gone through my very own depression. I could skip a meal but my dogs could not. I could stay in bed all day but my dogs had to go out for walks. I could give up caring for myself but my dogs needed my care. I coped with life day by day because of my “BMW”. They were my refuge.

Difficult times such as a death of loved one or a miscarriage can cause tremendous psychological stress, and even positive significant life events can be very distressing too. How many times do we hear soon-to-be-married couples having huge anxieties? We all have our own mechanisms to deal with such stresses and/or traumas, and they are broadly categorized as active and passive kinds of coping mechanisms. People adopting active coping mechanisms usually have the awareness and they attempt to deal with their difficulties consciously. On the other hand, passive coping mechanisms generally refer to approaches that involve avoiding and escaping from the root problems, and can even result in self-harming. The issue with a passive coping mechanism is that it might work temporarily but is not the solution in the long run, it would eventually take a toll on one’s overall wellbeing as it’s simply not effective.

A simple act of kindness goes a long way. If you notice anyone experiencing and suffering from such difficulties, encourage them to seek professional help. Hypnotherapy is one of the ways to allow people to engage on a journey of self-discovery under a safe and non-judgemental environment.

This article is specially dedicated to my “BMW”, who are now over the rainbow bridge.


© 2025 by Margaret Liu. All rights reserved.

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